Comment Policy - Regulatory Changes Discussion Forum
We have set up this commenting system to allow stakeholders the ability to discuss freely any proposed changes to the Rules of Racing in Alberta. We will try our best to make sure that the discussions on our article boards are troll, spam and abuse free. Unfortunately, the Disqus system may still allow these types of comments to sneak through periodically — and we will do our best to delete them with extreme prejudice and swiftness.
The comment section is meant to be an open place for every person interested in the well-being and continued success of Alberta horse racing – and that means participation from all levels of interest in our industry! That takes all of us to consider the following guidelines:
- Be polite – don’t be rude to anyone and respect others. Remember there is a person behind the screen and that unkind words do not further the civil discourse the industry is depending on for good governance moving into the future. You also may find yourself on the rail beside each other at your closest race track sometime in the near future.
- Don’t troll. We appreciate and welcome thoughtful discussion, but criticism that is merely insulting will be deleted without exception.
- Spam? Goodbye. We understand that you may make thousands of dollars working from home, however, we are not interested. Please refrain from posting your latest business opportunity, offshore partnership with a Nigerian Prince or deals on male-specific pharmaceuticals by mail — or we’ll give you a hand and show both you and your post the door.
To put it in a simple sentence, our guidelines boil down to "be civil and contribute thoughtfully for the betterment of the entire industry". If you don’t follow any of these guidelines, not only will our moderators remove your comment(s) but we may also ban you from participating in future discussions. If you find any comments which violate our guidelines, please make sure to ‘flag’ or ‘mark as spam’ – our moderators highly appreciate your support! Happy commenting!