Wednesday, 06 March 2024 07:12

Directive No. 210-2024 — All Breeds

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The Rules Governing Horse Racing in Alberta are AMENDED as follows:

Chapter 3: General Horse Racing Rules, Part 1 Administration of Horse Races and Veterinary Care \ Division 4 exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage

The following rule is AMENDED to read:

Rule 130 g EIPH eligibility requirements

(1) The official veterinarian may certify a horse as eligible for the EIPH Program after the horse has been examined with endoscopy by a Horse Racing Alberta licensed veterinarian to verify the horse does have pulmonary hemorrhage, and the trainer verifies, on a prescribed form, that they have determined that it would be in the horse's best interest to race with furosemide and be placed on the EIPH certified list.

(2) The official veterinarian must certify a horse as eligible for the EIPH Program if the stewards/judges board or the official veterinarian certifies, on a prescribed form, that

(a) they have received documentation that the horse is qualified for the EIPH Program in another jurisdiction,

(b) the certification is made by a veterinarian in the other jurisdiction who performs the duties ordinarily performed by the official veterinarian in Alberta, and

(c) the other jurisdiction is recognized by Horse Racing Alberta for the purpose of this section.

Rule 130g EIPH eligibility requirements currently states:

(1) The official veterinarian may certify a horse as eligible for the EIPH Program when a licensed veterinarian and trainer verifies, on a prescribed form, that they have determined that it would be in the horse's best interest to race with furosemide and be placed on the EIPH certified list.

(2) The official veterinarian must certify a horse as eligible for the EIPH Program if the stewards/judges board or the official veterinarian certifies, on a prescribed form, that

(a) they have received documentation that the horse is qualified for the EIPH Program in another jurisdiction,

(b) the certification is made by a veterinarian in the other jurisdiction who performs the duties ordinarily performed by the official veterinarian in Alberta, and

(c) the other jurisdiction is recognized by Horse Racing Alberta for the purpose of this section.

Dated in the City of Edmonton
in the Province of Alberta
this 04 day of March 2024.

Kent Verlik, Chief Executive Officer


Read 402 times Last modified on Thursday, 07 March 2024 20:02