Monday, 04 April 2022 07:14

Directive No. 192-2022 — Quarter Horse

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The Rules Governing Horse Racing in Alberta are AMENDED as follows:

Chapter 3: General Horse Racing Rules \ Part 2 Race Meetings \ Division 5 Race Day \ Subdivision 2

The following rules are AMENDED to read:

Rule 257 g What are winnings

(1) For the purpose of determining eligibility and allowances only, the winning of a fixed sum is the value of a *race to the winner.

(2) A Quarter Horse is considered a winner regardless of the money earned.


Rule 257 g What are winnings currently states:

(1) For the purpose of determining eligibility and allowances only, the winning of a fixed sum is the value of a *race to the winner.


Dated in the City of Edmonton
in the Province of Alberta
this 4th day of April 2022.

Kent Verlik, Chief Executive Officer


Read 1239 times Last modified on Tuesday, 05 April 2022 19:22