Horse Racing Alberta (HRA), is a private not-for-profit corporation that was established with the Alberta Governments proclamation of the Racing Corporation Act in 1996. The HRA was established to lead a racing industry renewal and to manage industry self-regulation.

Mission Statement

"Horse Racing Alberta will lead and enable a healthy, vibrant and progressive racing industry to function in the province of Alberta with high integrity and self regulated responsibility."

Objectives Of Horse Racing Alberta

In accordance with the Racing Corporation Act, the mandated objects of the HRA are as follows;

  1. To govern, direct, control, regulate, manage, and promote horse racing in any or all of its forms.
  2. To protect the health, safety, and welfare of racehorses and, with respect to horse racing, the safety and welfare of racing participants and racing officials.
  3. To safeguard the interests of the general public in horse racing.